Meg and I have that...she is the corner piece to my curvy boundaries, the long-haired yin to my Doc Marten yang, the double chocolate fudge to my malt vinegar.
And, whether I'm in a lock head or not, I love you.
A simple and true blog about our
for our own
archive and, possibly, for you
to find some mirror to your
Ok, I admit that that's pretty cute (and stop looking for Meg, she's not there!!), but when compared to this:
What can a girl do?
Now notice the red cheeks, the intense concentration on the inhale/exhale process, and ,though you can't make it out too well in this picture, the glossiness of the eyes as the tears take hold. It happens every single time...without fail.
So, we're at Sakura one night and the subject of most embarrassing moments comes up. Cue the facial fireworks for dear Meggles as she takes no time to start (though a ton of time to finish) a story about assuming a colleague had had gastric bypass surgery....mistakenly. I won't go into all the details of the story, but here's an email Meg sent me the Monday after:
Damn, she's cute. :)
Needless to say, Meg didn't stand a chance amidst my chaos and confusion no matter how gracious, inviting and endearing she was through it all. There were devils and angels on all sides but I think everyone is best served with the quickest summation I can give without going into all the gory details...complete with bullet points, thank you very much.
-When I met Meg, I was 'hanging out' with someone else and while I wasn't looking for a relationship from either person at that point, there was overlap. Yes, yes, I suck.
-Roundabouts the beginning of the year, I was still very much in a tizzy over my last relationship and felt drawn to work through the issues with my ex. This, obviously, meant that Meg and I stopped seeing each other and I pretty much disappeared for the month of March.
(I know, you're all wondering when Meg loses her's coming)
-My relationship with my ex ended yet again and that, along with some very ugly issues where I deeply hurt one of my dearest friends beyond repair, prompted me to leave Bloomington. For Indy. Where Meg lives.
(I want to interrupt to say that Bloomington, Indiana is one of the greatest treasures to me personally and to this is aesthetically beautiful and a haven for liberal-minded hippie kids in a cherry red part of the country...That town will always hold a piece of my heart and I will always regret feeling so compelled to leave it...but, also, thank God for the friends and family that provided an anchor through that horrible time-including my beautiful girlfriend. Thanks for indulging my rant)
-Meg and I started spending time together again as friends with both of us separately promising mutual friends that we wouldn't rekindle anything more. That lasted exactly one week and a bottle of wine. I put it out there officially that 'a bottle of wine' should be an increment of time much like 'just a sec' or 'inna minute'. That bottle of wine made time stand still and both of us casually and consciously ignore the warning sign ahead:
If ya know what I mean.....
-That said, you're thinking we must be going on six months by now because we used that bottle of wine to create a Molotov cocktail of burning love. Yes? Nope.
-We were both a little wary of things at that point and I, yet again, wasn't ready to commit to anything serious after all the destruction in my wake. She wasn't pressing too hard either.....and then I found out why....
-At some point in this mix, one of Meg's dearest friends developed feelings for her and let her know that she'd like to pursue things if and when Meg reciprocated. Notice how carefully I tread sum up, Meg tried to navigate these waters on her own and got swept away with it all. Oh, how I love clichéd analogies. It was about a month and a half later when I found this out...and, hypocritically, freaked out for a minute or seven.
-Actually, if I must say, things settled down pretty quickly...I immediately stepped back to let Meg sort through her feelings and was up front about the fact that I wasn't putting the same offers on the table as she was getting elsewhere. She knew that, I knew that, this other person knew that. But, for the first time in what I realized was a very trying time emotionally for our dear Meggles, she was free to make her decisions without being pulled in two directions.
-Her decision was that separately, she loved both of us deeply as major contributors to her life but that her emotions toward this other woman were a strong platonic love and that, if we decided to move forward, her feelings toward me were still relationshipy (I need to copyright these words, for reals).
-Long(er) story short, we're dating. And today is our second monthiversary. Lord knows it's been the longest two month relationship of my life. ;)
Oh, and I love her face.............and her.
How could I not?
I created this slideshow for her 28th birthday may need to let it buffer for a minute. Enjoy!