Thursday, November 20, 2008

"I will be so mad at you if you gave me syphilis!"

The thing with blogging is it's easy to let a few days pass and wait until you're feeling particularly inspired to lay down some pretty words about gooey things. Which is awesome, because I have those moments a lot more frequently than I do post but the pattern I'm establishing is to only writing smushy stuff. Meg and I are a lot more than smushy...sometimes we're schmoopy, shiny, and silly.

For the last few days, my girl has had herpes...or possibly just some acne breakout on her lip which I affectionally and fearfully refer to as 'the herp' while running away refusing to kiss her. Last night, we went over to my mom's for dinner and Meg got to hear stories of my teenage angst and door-slamming puberty. Next week, I get to meet the majority of Meg's extended family at Thanksgiving dinner where I hope to impress her mom with my ability and desire to contribute to the meal...unlike Meg who has for years relied on dish duty to earn her a spot at the table. Tuesday night, we hauled a treadmill into the house hoping this would inspire us to keep (or get) moving as winter sets in and more of our social events revolve around dinners out. Last week, Meg took a huge step by inviting my kitty, Stuart Little, to live with her...granted, he's moved in before me but I'll assuage my jealousy by looking at his cute face:

The point of all this is that we're normal with normal jobs and normal concerns....that's not to say that I've set us up as extraordinary, but the last few blogs have been so love-gross that I wanted to put some memories down about the normal stuff. The regular day, though, is interrupted by the little moments of goo that take my breath away while the next instant is some mix of giggling and teasing. This is the truth that I love about our life together; busting out laughing as Meg heads into the shower with toothbrush in hand, hearing 'this is my favorite spot' as she curls into my shoulder to cuddle, eating a cold English muffin when she 'forgets' to toast it first, and showing my friends how beautiful she is when she does this:

This is why I love my life. Happy sexiversary and KSG'iversary, love.

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